The York County Beekeepers Association (YCBA), while based in York County, South Carolina, serves members in York, Union, and Chester counties.
The York County Beekeepers Association’s mission is to bring news, information and education to our members and the public regarding Apis mellifera – otherwise known as the honeybee.
YCBA is dedicated to enhancing the skills of our current members, educating the public, and encouraging new members to join our organization.
Our beekeepers are fascinated with the complexity of honeybees. There’s a lot to know and not one beekeeper knows everything. Together we learn and grow as beekeepers.
We are an organized group with by-laws. We collect dues once a year. We elect a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
We are active in the community. Our goal is to educate the public on the importance of environmental safety and the use/misuse of pesticides (household or commercial) and their devastating affects to the honey bees and other animals.
We are available to speak to your club, church, civic organization or school.